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  • Dimana Dimova

Black Panther Exhibition Trip

Updated: Dec 13, 2021

Our trip to the Black Panther Museum was remarkably interesting, exciting, and enjoyable especially if you are a Marvel fan.

The first thing in the hall that at once impressed me were the costumes from the movie the black panther which were the original costumes that the actors were wearing. There were also things like: comics, models and other Marvel costumes that I really liked.

After we left the museum we went to buy tea or hot chocolate, waited for the others and went to the coach we traveled about 20 minutes and arrived Suffolk one sixth form where we had 3 different workshops as we had one for the poem one for dancing and one for psychology of, I liked the last one the most, the one with the dances, as the teacher showed us how to dance and taught us some movements.

After the first poetry workshop we had lunch and went to one of the rooms where there were many things on the table like sandwiches, snacks, cake, biscuits, juice and others it was a wonderful day and the people there were obvious but I found it strange that the toilets they have in common and both girls and boys can use them but other than that, I enjoyed the day at Ipswich.

At the end of the day, we had to catch a coach and go back to college where my mother was waiting for me to take me home.

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